Self appreciation

When I was thinking about what I wanted to share today I was conflicted between trying talking about something I thought you might want to hear, and something I wanted to share. Then I remembered I can’t possibly know what your thinking, I can only know what I am thinking so I decided to talk about appreciation.

I think every one wants and enjoys feeling appreciated and until we gain some knowledge and understanding about how our brain and emotions work together we think we feel appreciated because of something someone else says to us or does for us. However, if you have read my previous blogs you will know that our own thoughts create our feelings so actually when we feel appreciated it is because of the thought we have had about what someone else said or did for us.

The thing is that you can actually do this for yourself by noticing what you do for others and thanking yourself for being the type of person that cares, that makes the effort and time to be there for those you care about. Be glad that you think like that. By doing this for yourself you will feel more appreciated than you ever thought possible and its sustainable.

So at the end of the night grab a piece of paper and ask your self what you appreciated about you, your thoughts, feelings and actions and create this beautiful feeling for yourself.


Resistance to what is.


What you think of you matters